电话:0539-5632168 5632169


劳氏船级社认证阵国家能源有限公司(TNB)的公共可用规范PAS 55-1:2008(PAS 55“)。 TNB is the first company in South East Asia to be certified to PAS 55 for good asset management across Malaysia's electricity grid. TNB PAS 55认证横跨马来西亚电网良好的资产管理公司是第一家在东南亚。

“In these modern and challenging times, we have to make sure our ability is still relevant in the industry. “在这些现代且充满挑战的时代,我们必须确保我们的能力在同行业中仍然是相关的。 We must also strengthen our position to progress and make TNB a company that is dominant domestically and a champion regionally.我们还必须加强我们的立场进步,使TNB国内占主导地位的一个公司,是一个区域性冠军。 I believe PAS 55 is an enabler for this ambition.我相信PAS 55是这种野心的推动者。 As president of the Institute of Asset Management (IAM) Malaysia, this PAS 55 certification holds very closely to my heart,” said TNB's President and CEO Y.Bhg Datuk Seri Ir.作为资产管理(IAM)马来西亚研究所的总裁,这PAS 55认证,拥有非常接近我的心,说:“TNB公司总裁兼首席执行官Y.Bhg拿督斯里IR。 Azman Mohd.阿兹曼莫哈末了。“

Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB) is the largest electricity utility in Malaysia and a leading utility company in Asia. TENAGA NASIONAL有限公司(TNB)是世界上最大的电力公司在马来西亚和亚洲领先的公用事业公司。 Its Transmission Division is the national transmission system operator responsible for the main electricity transmission grid in Malaysia其传动部是国家的输电系统运营商负责在马来西亚的主要电力传输网

Mohd said: “We are very proud to be the first company in South East Asia to achieve this certification.莫哈末说:“我们很自豪能成为东南亚第一家实现这一认证。 Like the four-minute mile which initially was thought of as physically impossible and only to be broken by Roger Banister, many more have followed suit in breaking the record.喜欢它最初被认为在物理上是不可能的,只有由罗杰·班尼斯特打破4分钟一英里,越来越多的纷纷效仿,打破纪录。 Our certification will set an example and I'm expecting many more companies in the region to follow our approach to achieve this milestone.”我们的认证会以身作则,我期待有更多的公司在该地区的按照我们的方法来实现这一里程碑。“

Lloyd's Register's work in the certification process involved a two-stage assessment before recommending TNB's transmission division for certification.劳氏船级社在认证过程中的工作涉及一个两阶段的评估前建议TNB的传送师认证。 This process included an examination of the design of TNB's asset management system and processes, followed by a second review where the asset management system was tested across the company's transmission division.这个过程包括检查TNB的资产管理系统和流程,其次是第二次审查资产管理系统进行了测试,整个公司的传送师的设计。
Mohd Azhar Sulaiman, Managing Director of Lloyd's Register Technical Services in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, highlighted: “Given Lloyd's Register's involvement with the PAS 55 certification from its outset, this is a fantastic step forward both for TNB and Lloyd's Register.劳氏船级社技术服务在吉隆坡,马来西亚,董事总经理莫哈末爱资哈尔·苏莱曼强调:“鉴于劳氏船级社的参与从一开始就PAS 55认证,这是一个梦幻般的一步TNB和劳氏船级社。 As TNB is the first company in South East Asia to achieve this type of certification, it sets a glowing example to other businesses throughout the world that good asset management is an important factor in any business and should be recognised from a company's daily operations to the board-room agenda.”作为TNB的第一个公司在东南亚实现这种认证,设置一个发光的例子给其他企业在世界各地,良好的资产管理是任何业务的一个重要因素,并应承认从公司的日常业务的板房的议程。“

The award for the PAS 55 certification was presented in a special ceremony in July at TNB's research centre in Bangi. PAS 55认证奖TNB的研究中心在班吉7月在一个特别仪式。
Ends 结束

Notes to editors 编者注
Lloyd's Register provides independent assurance and expert advice to companies operating high-risk, capital-intensive assets in the energy and transportation sectors.劳氏船级社提供独立保证高风险,资本密集型的​​资产经营公司,在能源和运输部门和专家的意见。 It enhances the safety of life, property and the environment by helping its clients to ensure the quality construction and operation of critical infrastructure.它增强了的生命,财产和环境的帮助客户,以确保质量的关键基础设施的建设和运营安全。

Lloyd's Register was a sponsor and key contributor to the original development of BSI-PAS55:2004 in 2004 and its revision in 2008.劳氏船级社是赞助商和关键贡献者到原来的发展BSI-PAS55:2004年,2004年和2008年修订。 Lloyd's Register can apply this certification across a range of safety-critical sectors, including: power, oil and gas, nuclear, transport, water and utilities and have certified in excess of 50 organisations throughout the world.可以申请劳氏船级社认证通过一系列安全关键领域,包括:电力,石油和天然气,核能,交通,水和公用事业,并已在世界各地超过50个组织的认证。

PAS55 Asset Management services provides the client with the reassurance that assets are running to their optimal performance, making sure that any inherent risks are mitigated and the causes established early on, helping to reducing both cost and time constraints whilst improving the safety of day to day operations. PAS55资产管理服务,为客户端提供了一颗定心丸,资产正在运行他们的最佳性能,确保任何固有的风险得到缓解,年初成立的原因,帮助减少成本和时间的限制,同时提高了安全一天一天操作。

For media enquiries contact: 对于传媒查询联系:
Jason Knights贾森骑士
Global Communications Manager, Energy全球传讯经理,能源
Lloyd's Register劳氏船级社
T +44 (0)20 7423 1741电话:+44(0)20 7423 1741
M +44 (0)78 2728 2569中号电话:+44(0)78 2728 2569
E jason.knights@lr.org Ë jason.knights @ lr.org

Lloyd's Register劳氏船级社
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Lloyd's Register is a trading name of Lloyd's Register Group Limited and its subsidiaries.劳氏船级社,劳氏船级社集团有限公司及其附属公司的交易业务名称。 For further details please see http://www.lr.org/entities有关进一步详情,请参阅http://www.lr.org/entities

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